how to care for the hard drive and avoid Damage -this time Lapkom will share about how the heck hard how to care for in order to remain durable and performance is still good? The hard drive is the hard disk that stores the data is secondary and in it contains a magnetic disc.
Data stored in the hard disk will not be lost even though our computer died (will save automatically). Hard drive currently has developed that is increasingly thin physical shape and has a very large capacity. Hardisk not only can now also installed in the device (internal) but can also be mounted on the outside of the device (external) using a USB cable or FireWire. Well PAL Lapkom, already perceive the sense of hardis? then how hard we care tips? directly refer to these tips:
how to care for Hardis so durable and spared from damage: 1. Do not close the Casing Vent Meeting hard drive requires a cool air to maintain temperature to keep it cool, because the heat can damage the hard drive. so give the gap winds so that air can enter and your hard drive temperature is maintained.
2. shut down your computer properly , heard the words that are familiar in the ear as each is finished we will certainly use your computer turn off our computers. Now turn off your computer with the correct procedure should be i.e. through our windows shutdown in menu and wait to die to remove the electric voltage. because with the wrong procedure will strike hard drive we are suddenly going to stop unexpectedly without voltage. So matikanlah computer in the right way.
3. CPU Tarus in the space at the aliri air , the machine also needs a stable temperature, when the heat will also interfere with health, such as humans. do not place the CPU on a humid place.
4. Checking the hard drive with defrag , Well this way is very efficient for menjahga the performance of the hard drive. Try to defrag harisk lapkom friend for time intervals such as once a week or once a month.
5. make sure the fan is still spinning . If your hard drive in no kipanya you can set it up yourself in order to keep hard drive cool. and always check the power supply voltage drains into your hard drive.
These tips are very efficient to do because it's already proven to be great for the care of your hard drive, and it can share in this time may be useful. Thanks to his visit and if there is Lapkom best friend questions please comment below. Thank you.