how to troubleshoot Laptop/computer Fast Hot -hot laptop computer and Hear it's okay because it's only natural that in naturally by the engine, well this time it was lapkom like to share tips and how to cope with a fast computer or laptop heat. Nah kalo heard fast heat is indeed not a reasonably natural in laptop/computer, there are several factors which affects the heat fast laptop or computer, quickly heat the laptop will make its performance diminishes or can be called later.
Frequently we have experienced a fast laptop is hotter than a computer/PC, why? due to the PC casing has a great and a lot of empty space in them so that air can enter and freely. Different again with laptops are thin and almost a little cavity for the turn of the air so that the laptop is faster heat in the appeal of the PC.
There are some things that make a laptop faster heat, if you want to check which part that makes the laptop we quickly heat please tap your laptop parts are hot when the laptop is being mennyala. to parse your laptop heat can also wear a laptop how to use a maximum of 2 hours then rest your 15menit, it could be a hot meengurangi your laptop. Well PAL lapkom, whatever the hell that makes our fast laptop heat? There are some sources that make a laptop faster heat are as follows:
1. Processor
hard drive 3. Battery
4. VGA
5. Adaptop the above are a few sources that cause your laptop fast heat, to pengecekannya please tap your laptop and the part which is the heat of unnatural or not like hot laptops in General that's, well you should check out. When you purchase a laptop barus please check the heat, it is normally the laptop heat i.e. when new and not to be confused with now if getting hot means there is an error. But not all of the products in the factory will produce nice all, surely there is also a disabled i.e., like a new laptop but quick heat.
Well please check the part where your laptop is hot, by means of touch at the keyboard and its surroundings. After you find it, please do the following:
- Please open the cover in the middle of your laptop by way of gouging are carefully and lift covernya.
- Afterwards please open the lid and lift couplers.
- If the finished look on the picture above look dirty on her part, clean with a smooth cloth or you also can use the compressor for spraying the wind to make it more clean.
That's the bit that I can share, if any, additional and other solutions please comment below and we discussed together. Thanks a lot for your visit.