Tips on how to buy a Laptop that is Fitting and appropriate Needs -Lapkom this time wanted to share about these tips about laptop. Now laptop has become our needs in the work of a day today, not just to work alone but also education as students to students who need to study needs. It's been an awful lot of products and specification laptop, but to buy biasanyak we get confused to choose the fitting for us to wear. Well how about Tips on how to choose a good laptop? Here are some tips on how to choose a laptop:
1. Specify the Funding/Budget we currently laptop prices vary greatly ranging from a nice, medium, specifications to best. usually if you want to enjoy great facilities at least need and about 4-5 million minimum. Therefore we must determine the allocation of funds in advance.
2. specify the Requirements Specification for the purposes of what you buy a laptop? whether for editing, typing, what games? Surely you should specify the duties of the laptop, just reply to type or use office you don't need to buy a laptop that its specifications are high, but if you want to use the editting, gaming etc. you need to buy a nice interface specifications, such as Processor, RAM, VGA. Well then we should think of its usefulness in the past so as not to mubadzir.
3. Select the Brands that are generally in use. I recommend you to choose a laptop that is generally in the community, as an example of sharing Thosiba, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, HP and many others. Logikannya the brand more and more users means the more reliable quality.
4. The size of the screen. For use where your Laptop? Go jau what at home alone? because we think the weight of the laptop when we use to much I recommend buying a size of a minimalist, so there is no weight to carry and durable batteries also.
5. find a clear Laptop Pricing Info. Once we find a suitable specification next we find reference to the prices of laptops a clear benchmark for pricing, so that when we are not buying a laptop in bohongi the seller,
6. buying time of the exhibition. Well this is mas kermarin, samsul Because purchased at the time of the exhibition on inventions. Why? because at the time of the exhibition will be held which aims to introduce discounts for new products. Well other than we got the latest laptops we also got a price that tilts.
7. Invite friends who Know technology. Well what's the harm if we invite friends who understand technology, other than as a friend she can also advise when we buy laptops in stores.
Well that's a bit tips and how to buy a laptop so you get a suitable and fitting in a bag. Thanks to his visit, if you want to add and there is pertannyaan please comment below.