how to speed up Internet connection Lelet that smart Telecom -hear the word lelet very familiar in our ears, because the majority of modems in use in our fatherland is the minimal speed once, so kalo modem we must maklumi lelet. Usually the speed the modem in influence by regional or area where we are, if in the rural average signal difficult and affects the speed of the modem will, yet others in major cities usually will mak slup kecepatnnya. well this time the Lapkom will share tips and tricks to maximize the performance and speed of the modem smart.
I gave a tutorial that you can try, from the title above does not mean the modem after you do this we will be fast as lightning "wus wus-" but rather can maximize the performance of the speed of the modem. so please try-try itung-itung we can learn as well. now for how to maximize the performance of my Smart Telecom modem has 2 ways to try, to do so please you change settings on the menu the modem has been installed on the PC as well as ter your Laptop. Replace setingannya as follows:
method 1: the first way
Dial number: # 777 or * 99 #
User name: cdma
cdma Primary DNS: Secondary DNS:
method 2: the second
Dial number: # 777 or * 99 #
User name: smart
Password: smart
DNS: Primary
Secondary DNS :
Well please you own your modem oprek to improve performance and maximize the speed of the modem, please replace-replace dial number and others as in write down at the top. Well itusaja Lapkom can share if you have any suggestions and pertannyaan please comment below for us to mutually learn together. Thanks a lot for your visit.