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very pleasant indeed blogging Activities and become the everyday by the bloggers. But everything is so tifak. For beginners there is definitely that stopped in the middle of the middle of the road, many do not know what should be done and not done. Here are a few mistakes that are often done by most bloggers beginners.
1. Too busy with display
a Mistake almost done by most novice bloggers are too busy with the look of the blog. Worked at a template, install-uninstall the widget, etc.
It has a cool blog indeed look nice, but that would be a great PAL to make a blog and known a lot of people not because of content but because of the look, matey matey serve on the blog.
2. Concerned with quantity than quality
beginner Bloggers usually vying to fill his blog with the words as much as possible in the hope of being able to quickly get a lot of visitors without regard to whether their own or write results postingannya results trace writings of other bloggers.
3. Too much information but minimal practice
as a beginner bloggers usually taste very large keingintahuannya. Read a lot of things until his head was full of information and confused which one should be interpreted. Better a little information but really practical information than most but not used at all.
4. Inconsistent
in the early very diligent updating regularly post every day, but after that it suddenly disappeared somewhere where. Update the blog on a regular basis is indeed very good, but consistency seems to me much more important.
5. Discuss too much topic
if the problem reply discusses many topics? not at all. But that surely will be tough PAL blog evolve, did not have a uniqueness, not have identity, and will be hard to get loyal readers.
6. Too obsessed with statistics blog
a blogger newbie will usually be very diligent in checking the number of visitors, alexa ranking, pagerank, and more. A day can check up to hundreds of times. But it will not help increase the number of visitors to your blog buddy and will only be a waste of time.
7. Making too many blog
Honest enough bloggers who have had experience managing many blogs, tens and even hundreds. But for beginners highly recommended not to make too many blog because it would create a focus.
Although PAL is no longer a beginner I think managing a lot of blogs is not a necessity. All depends on the purpose and reason for blogging buddy If PAL wants to create a blog to be popular and last a long time, then there is no reason to manage multiple blogs.
8. Too eager to get money fast
cannot be denied a lot of blogger who started blogging because it wanted to get the money. They hold elections caused money from blogging can be done overnight, but not so. It took time, effort and consistency.
I myself can make money after two years of blogging. Quite a long time indeed considering I started completely from scratch. Pal may be faster or longer. That obviously takes time, effort and consistency.
9. Do not utilize the Google search engine with a maximum of
Never just a matter of the blog, any information we can find easily in mbah google. So take advantage of the Google well to learn blogging.
So the information we can provide. May be useful. Thanks: we been stopped. And do not forget to also read other interesting articles. Salam success always.[ad_2]