URBantuandroid.com -as an Android user obviously you want to have comfort, one of which is the comfort of the eye while using Android. One way to spoil your eyes is to replace the wallpaper on the display Androidmu in accordance with the taste. Of course this activity change the wallpaper image is perfect for those of you who like to beautify the look of Android or for you who like to post a photo of yourself on the narcissistic display of mobile phone cerdasmu.
Read also : how to change Wallpaper Android full without Crop
Know not? Actually Android already provides some default wallpaper image is pretty good and worth trying in beautify the look of Androidmu. If you want to know how to replace it. Here are the steps about how to change the wallpaper on Android:
step 1: open the menu Setting on the device Androidmu
step 2: Tap the menu My Device , then highlight and click menu Display to proceed to the next step.
Step 3 : select Wallpapers to open the options menu Wallpapers
step 4: in this stage, there will be 3 options menu to change the image in Androidmu wallper i.e. Home screen, Lock screen and Home and lock screens . Select if you want to change the Home screen wallpaper in the display home androidmu or choose Lock screen if you only want to change the wallpaper on your phone is locked. If you want to replace both then select menu lock and Home screens.
Step 5 : after selecting one of the menu options at step 4 it will pop up a new window on the screen Androidmu to replace picture wallpaper. Then select the menu wallpaper.
Step 6 : the final step is to select the pictures you want to use as wallpaper, if it was decided then press the Set wallpaper . After that then pictures wallpaper in Androidmu will be immediately changed according your choice.
That's the way to change the wallpaper display on Android using attractive drawings provided by Smartphones Androidmu. In fact you can change wallpapers using other images or your own photos, by selecting the image in the gallery in step 6 above. But you should do a crop/cut pictures in advance so the picture will not be intact. You can use other ways to cope with it, for the tutorial will catch up on this blog.