Assalamuallaikum wr. WB
on this day I will share a tutorial on how to how to speed up Ram Android order for hh/handpone android friends not lemot:)
Certainly temen-temen a lot that is because androidnya lemot Mobile ngeluh gara-gara ram fullness, I can free RAM is around 400 MB, whereas ane install many apps running background, such as fuel, Line, Whatsapp, Fb, FB mess, and his own, tau bengeknya tetek right if the application last lot ration our Phone RAM, and finally batreinya so wasteful and often out-of-ngelag Mobile RAM. well on this occasion I would like to share tips nih how to speed up RAM Android with Installer and Xposed Greenify .
Before we begin how do I speed up or relieve ram mobile android, then we need to know what that Greenify?
Greenify is android apps that are useful to add to the amount of free Ram that is on the HP Android you how it works i.e. deadly (hibernation) other android apps. Hibernation is done with how to turn off the process and service on the application, when the process or service or application that is executed by the user then Greenify ' awaken ' application to operate. When the application is no longer needed, then turn off the application back Greenify. This increases the efficiency of RAM because application no longer runs in the background. As a result, HP agan become smooth again as agan wore HP the first time.
But this can't be Greenify install as usual should need 1 more applications i.e. Xposed Installer function to enable his Greenify. And that's sure to install Xposed this Installer required a Full ROOT access or otherwise to install both applications this HP or mobile you must position already in the ROOT Okay next we go to the tutorial " how to speed up RAM Android with Installer and Xposed Greenify ." Among others the following:
Materials that must be downloaded:
Download Xposed Installer
the Server 1 (Userscloud)
the Server 2 (Tusfiles)
Download Greenify apk full donate
the Server 1 (Userscloud)
the Server 2 (Tusfiles)
installation : - Download all the materials above
- Install Xposed beforehand. then, do not open lid duluu application
- Install URGreenify.apk. First, do not open the lid
- Install Greenify donate, cover, do not open it first
- Then go to Xposednya, continue to sign in to the framework, click install/update, there is notification nati blah blah blah, aja, do not click OK at reebot first.
- Still in the Xposed, then headed to the modules, check his Greenify, then back to the framework, continue to be rebooted
- once the Phone reboots, go to greenify, toward the setting of the experimental features, select all commands, except for wake-up tracker and telephony wakeup.
- Then towards the + sign, show all, centak in the top right corner, towards the very bottom view other applications, new temen-temen select applications according to temen-temem need to dihibernasi.
- Don't forget ya gan make roads pintast/widget in homescrren, to make it easier to mehibernasi.
Hopefully the tutorial how to how to speed up RAM Android with Installer and Xposed Greenify useful, ...
NB: if temen2 still confused how to download click here