good day, see you again at the zone XDA Android-been a long time did not update this blog, because the outside kegitan quite solid. Okay for the opportunity today, I will share how the how to Restart Cross Flash Rom A88 Ori (the original Default) the latest that tentusaja already I have ever done, and managed successfully to pengeflashannya
For males who queued in the service centre cross, here we will share how you cope with Cross A88 died (not because of the hardware) , forgot password, system error or just a bootloop (Flame but get the logo only) or want to come back to the stock rom. Flashing or reinstall the last way is when you experience problems on Cross flashing tutorial you, A88 how to Re Flash Cross A88 Room Ori (the original Default) the latest of course need a computer/laptop device, because in today's tutorial I share with Flashtool SP tool if you do not have have toolnya later, I love link with what the ingredients would be needed.
Yuk staple it to direct the discussion well, without further ADO. How to Reset Flash Rom A88 Cross Ori (the original Default) the latest
there are five (5) materials and tools needed in this pengeflashan process, among other things: - Stockrom Latest A88 Cross
- Download «VCOM USB drivers
- Flashtool SP (this is the tool that will make flash)
- and last of all, the device or laptop computer
- in the appropriate data cable
and follow the Tutorial How to Restart Cross Flash Rom A88 Ori (the original Default) Latest as follows:
1. Download all the materials needed above all.
2. Extract all files usb driver out folder, and install URInstallDriver.exe to your computer or laptop
3. after further keinstal extract Stockrom Cross A88 downloaded newest last. Put it to any folder (non want placed where aja is up)
4. and then run the URFlashtool.exe located in the folder SP Flash tool. If you mememakai windows 7 over there should run administrator (by way of a right-click and then click run as administrator)
5. after that you click Scatter-loading and search MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc Stockrom extract on the results that have already been downloaded earlier contained in the folder "MD501_CROSS_V 0.5.0 _S0626". It will be like the picture below
6. Next would look all files to be diflashing've already checked off. (uncheck on a PRELOADER and DSP_BL)
7. Turn off your mobile Cross A88 if necessary unplug the battery approximately 10detik (can also use without batteries)
8. the next step click on "Download", then connect you to the A88 Cross PC via USB cable (remember!! Cross his A88 should in case of death or if it needs to be without the batteries), not long after process flashing will soon start characterized by the presence of progress bar Red
9. progress bar will turn yellow warnah, wait until a full progress bar approximately 10 to 15 minutes and will be tagged with a green circle. means the process of flashing has finished
10. Please unplug your usb from kable computer or laptop then try to turn it on again your Android
11. Congratulations Mobile you can flame up again as they are
warning! - DWYOR (Do With Your Own Risk) we are not responsible in the event of something with a smartphone, the risk borne by the passenger.
So the tutorial on "how to Restart Cross Flash Rom A88 Ori (the original Default) Latest" may be useful so it can help you in fixing Cross A88 who is constrained by system errors, forgot password, bootloop, or perhaps already TOTALLY OFF fatal (Died). And I Hope this tutorial can add positive values in the world of technology
thanks for his visit, may tutorial – a tutorial that I shared on the web or this blog can be useful for you. And the last words of thanks and continued to visit URxda-androidterbaru.blogspot.co.id for the development of its newest update info