URBantuAndroid.com -any software installed on Android either application or game will definitely need the latest version of the update if it is available. Typically developers create applications with his latest update is to add new features or bug fixes-bug that existed in the previous version. So we as users if you want to get the latest applications must perform updates or update if newest version is already available. This time the blog help android will give a tutorial about how to update an application on Android.
There are 2 methods about how to renew/update applications on Android that is automatically or manually. For more details about both of these methods refer to the following steps.
Method 1: how to Auto
application automatically Renew the meaning is when there is a version of the latest applications available then we will update its smartphone automatically to any existing update terarunya for our mobile phones connected to the Internet, of course. Here's how:
Open the settings menu on your Google Play then select menu Auto-updating apps, here there are 3 options:
- Do not auto-updating apps if you want to disable this feature,
- Auto-update apps at any time data charges may apply, the meaning is if there is a recent update from Google applications play will update automatically when data packets are active. Select this if your data plan is unlimited, if not I suggest limited used this option.
- Auto-updating apps over Wi-Fi only, it means it will update automatically when the device terkonseksi with Wi-Fi networks.
This way is very effective in saving time when only a handful of applications that need an update, so all applications on Smartphones we always have in his latest updates.
Method 2: Manual
how to update the application manually means we do update the application manually one by one application or just update the application that we want only. This way it is very suitable for us that have a limited data plan. The following is how to update Android applications manually.
Step 1 : open Google Play Store, and then select the menu
My apps step 2: Then will appear all the applications installed locally installed applications on Android, choose one of our applications that require updates. For example here I was going to update the Google Chrome application.
step 4: the final step press the
ACCEPT to give permisson in installation applications. After that we just wait upadate completed.
That's about how to update an application on Android either automatically or manually. Please select one way just to suit your needs.