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there are two issues that most often muncuk on the playstation 4: BLOD (Blue Light of Death) and Auto eject.
same Blod explanation with Blod on the pc engine, which we do not want to light up just because it stuck on the screen only, make the Sony woozy . Companies that Japan finally make such referrals for owners who consoles PS4 his failed to turn on.
Sony issued a four how to create a ngatasi problem on PS4 it. , -reset reset to factory conditions PS4 with how to turn off and then turn on the console's total return by pressing the button power until it blinks twice.
Both , , , turn off, unplug the PS4 power, install and then turn it back on. How does belong to simple. However, Sony said it works on a number of owners.
The third , , , check if there are bent pins on the cable HDMI plugs. Sony found several units experienced production defects at the pin HDMI plugs that must be straightened out so that HDMI cable can connect properly.
If the third way above does not work, Sony recommends that owners of the PS4 to directly call the customer service them. Sony promised to replace a defective unit.
And the second that the auto eject: For the owners of the PS4 's sudden eject bluray disc that is in the servant, then try fitting insert again his BD in eject continuously, although in PS4 already no bluray disc.
Steps: 1. Stop panicking 2. Unplug all cables are nyolok in PS4 (power cable, hdmi, ps camera, ethernet cable etc) 3. Touch the Eject button. If PS4nya emits "pip pip pip" means there is still a remaining static electricity in dalem PS4. Try to keep the touch button ejectnya until PS4nya does not emit again 4. If its not already PS4 emit more, save, set aside to be used to PS4 him about 30 minutes-1 hour, new colokin again all the kabel-kabelnya
So the information we can provide. May be useful. Thanks: we been stopped. And do not forget to also read other interesting articles. Salam success always.[ad_2]