Well this time I will share how to add songs with soundcloud. The way this course is perfect for those of you who have a blog with an article or theme music. but remember too the abundance of Music can also be memberat's blog (blog Lemot) so to add the right song preferable made manual play alone or do not need to install this widget ...:P
just how to add songs on blogs with soundcloud:
1. First-tama open Web: https://soundcloud.com/
2. Then click on view beginning Create Account when you do not have an account souncloud. [clickthe sign when you already have an account souncloud > directly into stage 4]
3. at soundcloud you can create an account with Facebook, Google + and email address.
4. On Soundcloud Profile or sign in at soundcloud you can search for a song in the column Search or you have any own songs by uploading your songs.
5. When you already have the songs then make one Album with click more > Add playlist. finished and then click Share
6. Description: > Select Embed > Wordpress code ga in the check if the create blog (unchecked create wordpress). > Sizenya can be replaced according to taste annda > Enable automatic Play to start Auto songs examples such as in the image:
7. Copy the Widget Code in SoundCloudnya (Code and Preview) and pastekan in Html/javascript. on the dashboard layout > > add gadgets > search Html/javascript code Pastekan > > Save > Finished ....
8. finish Try check at blog buddy sure if successful there will look like this ...
Well now your blog there is the song right so be cool to listen to the song while reading the article-artike on your blog .... Yup ... Certainly Trimakasih for your visit on our blog, good luck always create you and see you again:D [ad_2]