Well this time I will paint the way to create a welcome message on his blog, in addition to giving a welcome message in this way, you can provide Info for visitors if you would like to give brief information on the start page ...
Well just check out how:
1. Copy the Html is the following:
* Description: the Writing > Blue can be replaced with a message to suit your taste ...
2. first-tama open Dashboard and select Edit Html Template > > Seek by clicking Ctrl + F Pastekan > Htmlnya above ,
, , Complete click Save Template.
* example on the picture Well Done Try check or open your blog if successful Message will appear ... Trimakasih over his visit may be useful ... [ad_2]
So the article can we provide, may be beneficial. Thanks for his visit, and thank you you've read an article about Create a welcome message on the Blog. If you want to duplicate this article expected you to list links https://alltutorialcomplete.blogspot.com/2018/02/create-welcome-message-on-blog.html. Thank you for your attention and success for all of us.