on a live stream, titled Biggest Lineup Ever Special, KOEI Tecmo announced their latest game, Shin Sangoku Musou 8 on Saturday yesterday. As well as announcing the game confirmed and given the name Dynasty Warriors ' 9 ' In the language of the United Kingdom. In the event that KOEI Tecmo also said that the game will be Open DW9 World which serves the Hack and Slash are different from other games. Wow gamers Dynasty Warrior udah ga ya wait huh? Hehe, please wait aja ya, wait!
In the latest game of this, there is the latest character named Zhou Cang. These characters use weapons Daitsatsuto. Producer DW 9 Akhiro, Suzuki confirmed that the 83 characters DW up to DW 8: Empires will also appear and can be played.
KOEI Tecmo did not divulge what the platform used to play DW 9. But Atsushu Morita as Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia President attended in the event it is. This means big opportunities that Dynasty Warriors 9 will be present in the platform of the PS4. Don't grieve the Xbox and the PC, the user can probably also KOEI Tecmo presents with Xbox or PC Platform.