Well this time I will share how to add an Icon on the Folder If the folder icon would of course be given kerenkan:P
just how:
1. First-if you don't have a tama Icon or Icon doesn't match the contents of the folder you can download his first Search on google a lot kok:P
2. When it is just the way the search folder that you want to provide Icon, Then right click and select "Properties"
3. Open the properties and then select Customize on the top right corner ...
4. After you click Customize and then click the "Change Icon" in the bottom and then click to Browser to locate the Icon that you have downloaded or are suitable to your Folder.. After the Icon found click "Open" * Here I am using the Icon "FoldericonAsia" property of the Vocaloid
* example in figure!!..
5. After clicking Open > click OK Apply > > Finished
Well Done Simple right ... Trimakasih may be useful for your visit and see you again ... [ad_2]
So the article can we provide, may be beneficial. Thanks for his visit, and thank you you've read an article about How to give the Icon on the Folder. If you want to duplicate this article expected you to list links https://alltutorialcomplete.blogspot.com/2018/02/how-to-give-icon-on-folder.html. Thank you for your attention and success for all of us.