Strange clouds are indeed always appear around the world.
There are animal-shaped cloud, UFO, dogs, and so on.
Now appears a strange spherical-shaped cloud seen in Japan and perpetuated by a Twitter user named @pmxpvrtmx.
A native of account holder last named Poppy. He photographed the clouds that perfectly round in Fujisawa, a city in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The time Poppy were peeking inside out of the window of his car and he saw this unique-shaped cloud. He momentarily entranced and silent but soon after realized, he was photographing the unique cloud.
Poppy admitted initially spherical cloud that's perfect and yet he still bowled fast so no memotretnya.
When photographed, the shape of the cloud is already a bit of a change.
According to climate experts, this cloud may fall into the category of roll cloud. This type of cloud is formed when the day being windy and usually found in areas that have a mountain.
According to another explanation, a roll cloud in ibisa formed from cold air movement.
Either what caused the formation of these clouds, which are obviously the shape of the rounded cloud is indeed unique and funny.
Besides Poppy, there is also a number of other Twitter accounts that upload photos are similar.
Source Article by URwartakota.tribunnews.com