was long I do not write articles on this Blog, and I'll start typing an again now hehe. Will remain consistent kok. And okay, straight to the subject wrote, ye Dota player right? And hard to master hero-hero who is on it, but want to Practice with BOTS and Play It OFFLINE? Perhaps many who do not know nih, but mungkina there who've know. There are tables, how to play Dota 2 without internet connection a dime, lho! Well this trick is worth a try for those of you who fear when tetheringan abis quota main Dota it, or you are still confused with the mechanics of the game and his new Hero Dota, and using a hefty Hero difficult kind of Invoker Meepo, Rubick, etc, can try the hero with the practice with BOTS Dota 2. And it's OFFLINE!
Directly to step by stepnya aja Okee
Step 1. Open the Steam you, enter your ID and Password. And without an internet connection. ENTER
Step 2. There will be options Retry or Offline Mode, you select Offline Mode Yes. Wait a minute until you connect steam account
Step 3. You sign in to your account on Steam you
Step 4. After it goes into Windows Explorer
Step 5. Search the x 86 Program Files Steam Steamapps > > > common > dota 2 beta game > > bin
Step 6. Now here there is a choice of 2, that is 32 bit or 64 bit. Select one of the appropriate capabilities of the PC you Yes.
Step 7. Run URDota2.exe
PRETTY EASY right?? Playing Dota 2 alias offline without internet connection? And you can downsize quota nih ya ... especially you yg tethering from HP, rich I ahaha. And share these tips to teman2 scholars it was you. If still confused, doodles doodles commented on. Thank you for visiting.
(this trick ... sstt results I explore and otak-atik gimana cara let me playfully offline without internet, so share Yes!)