Nvidia some time ago announced the release of their latest Mobile GPU 3 for entry level. This new GPU not a third product that brings the latest NVIDIA design, Pascal, but still brings the architecture of the previous generation, Maxwell. NVIDIA GPU's third such names 920MX, 930MX, and 940MX.
the Appropriate code that different themes, the third appears to be VGA will replace the third senior anyway, namely 920M, 930M, and 940M. The third performance of its predecessor seemed well not too much difference. But for the MX series, they menusung features 64-bit GDDR5, increased when compared to its predecessor, which only brings the GDDR3 features only.
GeForce 920MX 256 will use CUDA cores, with a clock of up to 965 MHz. Meanwhile, Geforce 930 and 940MX will use the CUDA cores, with the clock until 1006 MHz to 930MX MHz for 940MX and 1176. The third new VGA also use base GM108.
Apparently, NVIDIA prepare this new GPU's third to become the motor of the various notebook/laptop class entry level gaming or high-end gaming mid class. Although the GPU architecture with Pascal will be attending in the near future, it could be only Nvidia will be releasing high end products first. Market entry level gaming and mid end fixed will they submit to multiple GPU architecture with Maxwell.
If notebookmu is already conditioned MX GPU? Or even the Gtx? If I still still stay at Intel HD nih ya ... ehehehe ...