how to put up a Disclaimer on Blogger the Disclaimer it is like when you have an article or content but is uncertain or not responsible for contents of the certainty of his article (meaning). Or the point of sheer Information that is in the Organizer is not responsible for the accuracy or lack full information on unloading ... such lahhh, naahhh. .... How to install Diclaimer easy enough or just like make Privacy Policy
just how to install/create a Disclaimer in his Blog:
π Rare first open this Url: http://www.privacypolicyonline.com/ Bilasudah Entry on the HomePage on the Header select Disclaimer Generator
π then you will be asked to fill the Informasi2 Example As GB below: 1. title your web 2. your web Url 3. Contact your Blog Link 4. Email address 5. Clicking Generate Disclaimer
π the last Copy all the Html code ... And Pastekan In the new Blogger Page
πCopykan in Html instead of the Compose and Publish Finish the Blog You have attached Disclaimer ..... Thank You For Visiting Our Blog Success Always For You And Happy Blogging Broowww.................. [ad_2]
So the article can we provide, may be beneficial. Thanks for his visit, and thank you you've read an article about How to put up a Disclaimer on the Blog. If you want to duplicate this article expected you to list links https://alltutorialcomplete.blogspot.com/2018/02/how-to-put-up-disclaimer-on-blog.html. Thank you for your attention and success for all of us.