this time I will discuss about "function Menu in Menu Bar". Before discussing it with the functions of the Menu in the Menu bar. Before him, I explained about the names that are contained in a work page Corel Draw. Okay, just below "function Menu in Menu Bar":
the Menu Bar |
1. The functions of the tool bar menu files on CorelDraw
- New , i.e. to create a new worksheet/file
- New from template , to create a file/worksheet with the new settings such as pattern that is already in the specified
- , Open to open a file from your computer/laptope, you could take the files you've created using the application corelDraw (Cdr format file)
- Close , to exit/close the active worksheet
- , Save to save the document that you have created in a standard format/cdr (corelDraw)
- , Import to import files from formats other than cdr, if in photoshop this is "Open" so the application cannot open the corelDraw format in addition to cdr with extension, except on the first import.
- Export , to save a file to a format other than cdr
- Export for office , for storing documents in order to open with the application of ofice (such as spreadsheet, presentation, or word proccessor)
- Sent to, to make a document into another directory such as compressed into a zip file
- Print , which is already too clearly yes to print a document,
- Print preview to see the result later, if after printed
- the Publish to the web , to publish the document file as Web.config file
- Publish to Pdf , to publish the file as a Pdf file (portable dokument format)
- Exit , to close/exit the application corelDraw you
2. Functions on the sub menu edit CorelDraw
- Undo create namely to cancel a command/steps you just do
, - , , Redo back to the that already happened, if there is an error click the Undo then you can come back again with Redo
- , Repeat to repeat
- Cut untukmemotong
- , Copy to mengkopy or double object
, - , , Paste to apply good copy or cut command
- P Special aste, to apply the command kedaan is reserved by cpy
- , Delet to delete object
- Symbole, to edit the symbol
- Duplikate, duplicate objects without the copy command
- Clone , to duplicate the object follows the main object
- Copy properties from , for copying properties of
- Find and repleace , to search for and replace data objects
- Insert the internet , object to paste the object from the website
- Insert barcode , to insert a barcode/barcode
- the Insert new object , to insert a new object
- Properties , to display the properties of an object
3. The functions in the menu bar view CorelDraw
- Simple wireframe model , i.e. a function to display a simple wirframe
- Wirframe , i.e. to display in coarse mode screen
- , Draft function to display onjek in draft mode
, - , , , the Normal display objects in normal form
, - , , , Enhanced menampikan in the fine mode
, - , Full screen preview , showing in full screen
- selected Priview, to display that has been selected (certain)
- Page sorter view , for the menampikan all in the sorter
- the Rullers, to remove or display a ruler
- Gride , to display or remove the background
- , Guidlines for display or disappear on the auxiliary lines
- Show , to change the on-screen display for example limit paper
- the Enable rollover, to display or remove the undo/redo menu
- a Snap to gride , heading on the line
- Snape to guidlines , to go on line help
- the Snap to object , heading on a particular object
- Grid and ruller setup , to set up the line and slide-
- Guide lines set up , to organize help on the line
- the Snap to object setup , to go on the object
4. The functions in the menu bar layout CorelDraw
- Insert page , to insert a new page
- Delete page , it was too obvious, i.e. delete the page
- Rename page, sure to change the name of a document/page
- Go to page , go to that page..
- Switch page orientation , switch to the orientation of the page
- Page set up , to set on every page
- a background Page, to set a setting beground page
5. The functions in the menu bar arrange CorelDraw
- Tranformations, that serves to transform an object
- a Clear transformation, serves to delete/remove the above transformation function
- Align and a matter of , to regulate the distribution of
- Order , to set the position of an object
- Group , to combine/unify multiple objects
- Ungroup to outlining the return, unification/incorporation of multiple objects
- Ungroup all, to set the ungroup
- , the Combine for mengkombinsikan object
- apaart Break, to break down the object
- object Lock, to lock the object
- , Shaping to change the shape of the object
6. The functions in the menu bar effect corelDraw
- Adjust , serves to set up a composition
- , Transform to transform
, - , , Correction to correct
- the Artistic media, to give the line art
- Vlend , to merge two objects
- Contour, contour effect to give
- Envelope , to make the image envelop
- Extrude, to give efefk axtrud
- Lens, to give the effect of the lens
- Add perspektive, to give perspective
- Power clip, to give the effect of powerklip
- Roollover , to give effect to play
- a Clear effect, to remove/delete the effect of
- Copy efect , to copy/Copy Effects
- Clone effect, to double effek
7. The functions in the menu bar bitmap CorelDraw
- Convert bitmap , i.e. for converting to bitmap mode
- Edit bitmap , i.e. to edit bitmap-based design
- bitmap Crop, to cut the object
- bitmap Trace, to divide the bitmap
- , Resample to restore to its original (original)
- , to give the object a mode
- bitmap Inflate, to create a flat bitmap
- Bitmap cocor mask , to give a color bitmap
- links Resolve, to retrieve/search from web pages
- Update from link , for an update of web/internet
- 3D effect , to effect of 3d (three-dimensional)
- Art strokes, to give the effect of art
- Blur, to give an effect blur
- Camera , to give efekcamera
- Color transform , for mentranformasikan a color
- Contour, contour effect to give
- Creatif, to give homemade effects
- Distort , to make the form
- Noise, to give the effect of dark light
- , Sharpen to sharpen the look of
8. The functions in the menu bar text CorelDraw
- text Formatting, function to format a text
- Edit text, to edit/correct the text
- Insert character , for the/menyisipkan/memasukkan character
- Fit text to path , to merge the text to the object
- Fit text to frame , to merge the text into a frame
- Align to baseline , to flatten
- Straighten text, which is text components
- the Writing tool, to display typing tool
- Change case , to change the size of his little big text
- Make text web compatible , using the text from the web are compatibel or fit
- Convert , for conversion/change text
- Text statistics properties, a text
- Show the non printing character , the editor for a non-printing characters
- Link , connecting to the internet
, - , , , Unlink to memuruskan connection with the internet
9. The functions in the menu bar tools CorelDraw
- Options , i.e. a function to display a selection of
- , Customization to display a tool
- Color management, color format to display
- Save settings as default , to store a setting
- Object manager , to display bjek menejer
- Object data manager , to display the data menejer
- View manager to display the zoom menejer
- links manager, to show the link
- Undo docker , for menampilkann doker undo
- Internet bookmark manager , to display bookmark
- style Color, color format to display
- editor Pallet, pallet to display
- Graphic and text style , to display grafic
- , Scrapbook pages to display a web page from the internet/
10. Functions on the menubar window CorelDraw
- New window , i.e. a function to create a new document/page new work
- , Cascade function to display cascade
- horizontally Tile, tile horizontally to display
- , a Vertically to display vertical tile
- Arrange icons , to display all the icon
- Color pallet , for menampilkana color pallet
- Dockers, for showing docker
- , Toolbars to display the tool bar
- , Close to close the page work in want
- Close all , to close all pages work
- window Refresh, to update the look of
11. Functions in menubar help CorelDraw
- Help topic, namely function to ask for help topics contained in Corel Draw
- Coreltutor , to ask for help as a tutorial
- what's new , to request confirmation of facilities/latest info
- Technical support, in order to know the operating technique in Corel Draw
- Corel on the web , to find information on corel on the web/internet
, - , , , CorelDraw to request information about corel used
Says "function Menu in Menu Bar" in CorelDraw. If there are errors please give feedback in the comments field. Thanks