use of Laptop in this century against the increasingly fast, growing crowds, is no exception. Constraints are often perceived by the users of the laptop is on the keyboard, damage often occurs, as it did on my friends laptop a while ago, to replace a broken letter 1 piece of any gotta buy 1 set, 1 set of keyboard and the price is very expensive for the unemployed xD. for that, I get the solution about how to replace function keys in the Keyboard Laptop?
Here I found a software called KeyTweak that serves to replace the function of the
keyboards, for example in the case of my friend experienced I replace the function of the button E to the F1 key (I select F1 key to replace its function because my friend at the keyboard button E badly damaged) so when I press F1 key then it is the letter e.
here's how to replace a broken keyboard on function or switch function between keys on the keyboard :
a. Tools and materials
-1 Unit damaged Laptop keyboard keys
-Software KeyTweak (Download)
b. steps
the first steps the KeyTweak software to install, once installed open the software.
-on the initial display, see the keyboard on a column, click one of the buttons of the button
are broken, for example in my case. click F1 (function of the button is changed to be E)
-on the "Choose New Remapping" choose "E" and then click to Remap Key.
-click on "Apply" (see picture above)
-click "yes" to restart
– after reboot, please try your keyboard on F1 will change its function became key
so the Tutorials about how to Replace function keys in the Keyboard Laptop/PC broken this time, good luck and may be useful.