are getting a large number of applications that are ready to be downloaded on the googleplay with an estimated 11.1 billion weekly, with all categories of either free or paid. Of these possibilities as we have get-togethers with friends, they'll have a different game or application on their smartphone, then from this:D this article appeared. Mutual sharing or share to friends, it was commonplace for any employee, either from information and technology.
Not many people do not understand about how to send applications or games on android, can it be? Yes, of course it can. It's been a lot of android application developers who create applications for android users makes it easy.
One of them is the rendered application ES File Explorer . ES File Explorer is a file manager application and application features. One of these applications is useful for sending either the application or games using bluetooth without the need to use mobile data or wifi.
Then how are how to use it? Okay, here's the trick with step by step.
How to submit applications and games on Android
first-tama please download first File Explorer Ice application in the Playstore. Click here
in the initial display of the application menu, click horizontal line 3 on the left top.
Select Library > app. on the APP, all the applications and games that are installed on your smartphone will appear on that page.
Select the application that you want to send it by pressing the application for-3detik + and the display will appear as below.
Click on "more" then "Share", select the media through which you want to send. Here I use "Bluetooth" (for example).
after the application is sent will be shaped with apk and must be installed first.
Click the applications submitted earlier to installed, then it will appear warning "Installation blocked" as shown below.
Click Settings In the security Enskripsi >, scroll to the bottom of the check "tdk" click OK if there is a warning.
Back then, and install it by clicking Install. then the applications or games that have you now you also have him without having to download:D
Well that's Tips about how to send applications and games on Android this time, good luck and may be useful. Please browse the blog URwww.tips-ku.com to get the ways and Other tips.