Facebook is social that connects people with friends and others who work for their colleagues, learn, and live around them. People use Facebook for keeping in touch with friends, exchanging photos, send unlimited links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
View of the importance of the matter, both from his own facebook tireless stop providing updated features as well as from facebook users who want to look:D update, now the facebook profile photo can already use moves with animation video format . Last month the blog next door says this feature is only used on the user's iphone, but lately the facebook launched a feature on Android as well.
Next on your profile photo there is a flashing icon symbol between the symbol and the video camera. Then you press the icon, there will be an option to use an existing video from Gallery or use the new video in the sense of recording new videos. So this move profile pictures we took from a video.
Create a Photo Profile Facebook Move
For sure, please check yourself whether Android you have this feature already available or not? Do the following to check them out:
first-tama Open Facebook applications you have installed on your android. If you don't have a facebook application, please download the advance at the Playstore because if opened via the browser feature is not working/No.
Then to your profile, edit your Profile Photo and select a Video profile,
Video that can be used to profile picture move is a video that lasts 6 seconds. So you check the first video that is in your gallery as well as edit it into 6 seconds. It might be easier taking direct or record a new video.
Read: how to create animated Text running on Android
how is easy is not it? Facebook profile picture move You will be seen by all of the Facebook users who access either from your Iphone or PC/Laptop.
That's how how to make profile picture move on Facebook . Although in profile photo features while this move can only be edited using Facebook mobile applications on Android but it still can be viewed over the web. S elamat trying and hopefully useful