how to fix a broken Printer Cartridge -Lapkom for this time wanted to share about problems that occur on the printer cartridge, when he wanted to use a printer print cartridge turns hostile, due to an error and could not be used. For you user your printer cartridge components must merawaat karna component which is very important. After looking around for a solution to overcome the distractions on the cartridge end I lapkom Team found a trick to overcome a troubled cartridge and I am going to share a tutorial how to fix the cartridge.
Many cases that occurred on the cartridge, which is often in natural as e.g. starts flashing due to the weakened tintah namely inks such as depleted but still full. well let us refer to some guidelines how to fix cartridge here:
- the State of the cartridge is empty. You need hot water to soak the cartridge you for approximately 15 minutes, then remove the top cover using a screwdriver-shaped cartridge min and remove also the foam in it with berlahan and carefully.
- After all, please clean the foam detached with water until clean, because the possibility of a dry ink make the blockage on the foam cover, and pat dry with dry, do not forget to clean your bathtub cartridge with a soft cloth until clean.
- After the process is completed Please close the tub cartridge using a glue kind of like power glue, and note the way pengelemannya do not get hit on the contact chip (brass).
- Well that last one please you fill ink ink injected with approximately 30% of the tub cartridge and wait 15 minutes so that the tintanya could sink in, then for more good please do the setting for cleaning on the properties, and do a few times if you want a very good results.
well that's some tutorials that I can pass on, hopefully the cartridge will be normal again. And if you have additional/masukan and pertannyaan please comment and we shared so that discussion finds a better solution again. Thank you for your visit.