how to fix a computer/Laptop can not Boot -this time Lapkom will share the bios problem, why Yes my computer can not booting or enter the bios? There are many causes that I will discuss about computer or laptop that can't do booting. There are some problems that are often on the computer such as the computer does not naturally able to boot with the error message, and the blue screen, there is also a computer restart itself without cause. well let us refer to some of the causes and how to overcome the computer couldn't boot here:
1. The problematic operating system, or windows system corupt. If malasah occurs at the operating system usually will happen Blue Screen or blue screen will be blank at the time of our initial turn on the computer and we cannot enter windows or can call failed to boot. It marked a troubled operating system. How to cope with: with:
- Do Repair operating system (Using the Windows DVD)
- Do Reinstall On your computer/Laptop.
there are times when the windows system is corupt usually there will be a message indicating the existence of files that are damaged or missing, do the following:
- a check in advance with your memory, if more than one is installed or the memory is not compatible will usually appear error system windows corupt, so remove your memory which is not a type.
- and if it still fails to do re installation of windows.
2. on your Processor Overheat Occur. murupakan processor of a computer brain thinker, if the processor itself is hot then it will boot and is usually the computer will restart on its own. to overcome it:
- Doing demolition on the processor, check on the pastanya if dry Add pasta to dry because if the new processor will quickly heat and cause the boot to fail.
- check back on the processor fan, make sure the fan is still running and normal.
3. Problems on RAM so it failed to boot. RAM is temporary storage place media on the computer, if there is an error on the ram is definitely computer will not run properly. normally if there is an error in RAM at the time we start the computer sound beeps more than twice. to overcome it:
- Remove the RAM on your computer and do the cleaning at the pin, after that plug it back well and true.
- there can try install RAM in the other slot.
- when there are 2 memory card please check individual commandments themselves where that is experiencing the problem.
4. Dikarnakan hard drive that is not terdetekni or problematic. The hard drive itself is part of computer data storage and also where the OS is installed, if the hard drive is not detected then it will fail to boot. Well on this problem will usually appear a message "Disk Boot Failure". to overcome it:
- checking on a cable that is connected to your hard drive either SATA or IDE, pasting the normal cable and installed properly and correctly.
- For hard drive IDE cable with an attached 1 checking on default Master and Slavenya are already sort and match.
- Go on the BIOS whether the hard drive has already detected? try to do one by one and if it fails then the damage occurred on your hard drive.
- Check the hard drive when the computer in turn, if the hard drive's life then it looks hard vibrating.
Well the case review on computers that cannot be booted, I give the explanation so that you get the solution, please try and try to learn, because no science in the get away without learning and trying. If you would like to add, please comment below. Thank you.