Tips on how to take care of fixed Durable Laptop battery -for this time Lapkom will share tips on caring for laptop batteries, laptop users because now it's common and I want to give tips in order to make your laptop battery will awake its capabilities. very much once questions such as the following were heard by admin lapkom. How the heck way for laptop batteries remain durable and long-lived? the ability of the battery will be reduced gradually, though the battery industry never give info about this. In addition, Your battery is designed to last between 300-800 times charge/recharge cycles.
And will gradually diminish its ability to supply power to your Laptop. well here is the Lapkom will review these tips on battery care in order to remain durable and long-lived as follows:
you can slow down the process of decrease in battery life with tips as follows:
1. for charging laptop batteries don't get late, about 10-20% of the power charger back soon, and if it is 100% immediately unplug charger.
2. For discharging Li-ion batteries make sure to not often run out of batteries up to 0% because Li-ion battery capacity kehilangkan when in the charger.
3. make sure if unused laptop a long period the battery fully charged at least 40% so as not to damage the battery component permanently. As you buy a new laptop battery laptop default definitely already filled about a quarter of a percent.
4. Do storage batteries in the fridge, with the membukusnya using palstik to keep moist. It will strengthen the resilience of our batteries.
5. remains a desirable laptop you should not use it with excessive.
6. make sure to use the laptop temperature remains cold, or you can also use a cooling fan laptop.
7. Redupkan laptop screen, set your monitor to Dim slightly so that the battery consumption is slightly reduced, and the battery will last longer.
Note: - heat is your enemy. Avoid to put the battery in a hot, such as in the car at the time of day
- the calibration of the battery every 30 cycles of complete charging time. Allow the battery to run out of condition, to keep the bookmark in the laptops remain accurate.
- If you are going to use electric power for a long period of time, you can extend battery life by removing it and store it in the repository
- Save ditemat cold and dry with the condition of the batteries fully charged 40%. Some experts advise to keep it in the fridge. Use a sealed plastic bags to get rid of the moisture.
- Do not enter into the freezer to be frozen.
- If you want to wear it again, leave it to warms up at room temperatures before being worn again.
That's a little reviews of Lakom this time, if there are extra and other tips, please share in the comments, and if there are any pertannyaan please comment below that we discuss and discuss together. Thanks a lot for your visit.