lately I was again busy with new activities, new student knowingly:D. Disempetin create write articles in my Blog, this time I am going to ngebahas about "the function of an existing Tool in the Toolbox" in this Toolbox might arguably his combat tool of CorelDraw, the most important Tool is for use in CorelDraw. The Toolbox is located on the left side of the Workplace Page CorelDraw.
Direct wrote to the first Tool
Pick Tool |
= this Tool Pick function to the selection object or selecting objects
= this Tool Pick Freehand functions for selection objects freely
Further to the second Tool
| Shape Tool
= this Tool Shape function to edit a curve-shaped object
Smooth = Tool This function to convert the object into a soft
Smear = this Tool functions to pull the object by dragging the edges of the line
= this Tool Twirl function to convert the shape into a round like a whirl wind
= this Tool Attract function to change the outline to the cursor like a magnet Repel
= this Tool functions to change the outline heading the opposite direction of the cursor
= this Tool Smudge function to change the vector object
Roughen = this Tool functions to change the outer line of vector objects
Go to the third Tool
the Crop Tool | |
= this Tool Crop function to cut and take part of the image that is selected
= this Tool function Knife to cut out the image
Virtual Segment Delete = this Tool functions to cut parts of the image that intersect with other pictures
= this Tool Eraser function to
me nghapus part of an image that is not necessary
Further to the fourth Tool
Zoom Tool |
= this Tool Zoom function to zoom in and out of the image
Pan = this Tool functions to move the image on the screen display
go to the fifth Tool
= this Tool Freehand functions to draw curves and straight line segment
2-Point Line = this Tool functions to to draw a straight line by way of pulling it from the start point to the end point
= the Bezier Tool this function to draw the curve one segment at a time
= this Tool Pen function to draw curves in segments, and each segment of the preview image
B-Splines = this Tool functions for drawing curved lines by setting control points that make up the curve
= this Tool Polyline function to draw curves that connect , and a straight line in one continuous action
3-Point Curve = this Tool functions to draw a curve by dragging it from the start point to the end point and then towards the position of the center point
= this Tool Smart Drawing functions for converting freehand strokes by forming foundations or curve that was refined
Next to the sixth Tool
= this Tool Media Artistic function to add brush , spray, and adding effects to calligraphy by using freehand strokes
go to the seventh Tool
= this Tool Rectangle function for images shaped box
3-Point Rectangle = this Tool functions to make the box on a certain angle
go to the eighth Tool
= this Tool Ellipse function to make the circle
3-Point Ellipse = this Tool functions to make the circle at a certain angle
go to The ninth tool
Polygon = this Tool functions to create polygon-shaped image
Star = this Tool functions to make a star shaped picture
Complex Star = this Tool functions to create images of stars many side
Graph Paper = this Tool functions to draw the boundary of which is composed of the same line
= this Tool Spiral function to draw a spiral
Basic Shapes = this Tool functions to select various shape
Arrow Shapes = this Tool functions to create an image shaped arrow
Flowchart Shapes = this Tool functions to draw a symbol flowchart
= this Tool Shapes the Banner function to create an image shaped Ribbon
Callout Shapes = this Tool functions to create callout
go to the tenth Tool
Text = this Tool functions to make the texts/writings
= this Tool Table function to create tables
Further to the eleventh Tool
Parallel Dimension = this Tool functions to create lines with the size dimensions of oblique
the Horizontal or Vertical Dimension = this Tool functions to make the line size of the horizontal and vertical dimensions
Angular Dimension = this Tool functions to make the line size of the triangle
Segment Dimension = this Tool functions to display the dimension between the last point on one or several parts
3-Point Callout = this Tool functions to create a line instructions/Description
Next to the Tool that the twelve
Straight-Line Connector = this Tool functions to create the connector line/straight
Right-Angle Connector = this Tool functions to create the right connectors with sharp corners
Rounded Right-Angle Connector = this Tool functions to create the connector right angle with blunt
Edit Anchor = this Tool functions to edit the line connectors
to the thirteenth Tool
Drop Shadow = this Tool its function is to give the shadow so that the object is visible.
= this Tool Contour function to create the shape of the outer lines on the object
= this Tool Blend function to mix the two objects
= this Tool Distort function to do the irregularities on the object
= this Tool to Extrude function to create an illusion of depth on the object
Further to the fourteenth Tool
= this Tool Transparency function to create the object becomes transparent
to the fifteenth Tool
= the Eyedropper Color Tool this function to retrieve the color of the image
Attributes = Eyedropper Tool is its function to select and copy the properties on object
to the sixteenth Tool
= this Tool Fills the Interactive function to give colors with gradations fill
Mesh Fill = this Tool functions to provide color gradients fills with the line
Further to the seventeenth Tool
= this Tool Smart Fill function to create an object of two overlapping images and apply the object
completed, the discussion of the function of the Tool in the Toolbox.