how to fix Flash Error could not be in the Format of -Surely all know what it agan flashdiks, Flash is a tool or a data storage medium that is very practical in use by humans because of its small cute and can take it wherever. but there are barriers are nih gan flashdiks I can not format, how to solve it?
menformat flashdiks aims to clear all data in it so clean, with mengformat format pendrive packed data or viruses in it will be lost, well there are a few causes of Flash we can't in the format well this is one of the solutions that we can do. directly refer to
how to fix Flash Error could not be in the Format of the following:
to Instead of
Write Protected you fix This > > read here
before doing the following ways should you try to plug your Flash to Windows and other PC installed with Windows xp 7.8, to do the formatting. If still not able to also you can do the following ways:
1. Insert the Pendrive into USB port on laptop/CPU.
2. Click Start and then select RUN.
3. after the RUN display appears just type "URcompmgmt.msc". Type without quotation marks.
4. After that it will show up a program named "computer management" as shown in the following image:
5. Select the storege in the Middle after that select disk management.
6. Here Flash you will be detected.
7. If your Flash is already detected next right click on Flash already detected.
8. After that, select the "create partition".
9. then right click Select "format".
10. Formatting pendrive you have finished.
If you still haven't been able to do: Flash can not usually in the format of dikarnakan there is write protection in it. then we should menghapunya first before it could be in the format. try the following tutorial:
1. Press the Window + R in unison
2. Select the command "regedit" (without the quotation marks and press enter
3. Then a new dialog box will appear, press Ctrl + f.
4. Type the following inscription "write protected" (without the quotation marks) in the box of searching, select Find Next and immediately delete it if you find the description write protected. How to do a right click displays the message delete.
5. If the confirmation dialog appears press Ok to accept
6. Write protected already erased the codes and mobile Flash back to original condition.
7. close Registry Editor dialog, disconnect the Flash and then restart your computer
8. After the way the above fixes are done perfectly, usually Flash already could be used again because the code write protectednya was gone. Such as Flash are still experiencing constraints use the second way that is using the software.
Well after the format was successfully then agan flashdiks had recovered and was able to save the file/data back. so when there is pertanyyan please comment below. may be useful.
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