never heard the word monitoring? Yes, the monitor is a kind of connecting remotely or in other words you can controlling the other computer from a computer or Smartphone you are, as long as the computer is connected to connected to the internet.
This time I will introduce a software that probably most people are familiar, i.e. Teamviewer . In addition to his excellence with monitor other computers remotely, this software also includes software free for personal usage, and support used on OS Linux, Windows, Mac even Android.
On this occasion I will give a Tutorial about way of Monitoring your computer or Laptop with Smartphone your own from a distance.
A. Tools and materials
-the computer (I use a laptop)
-Smartphone (I am using android) as a remote computer
– a stable internet:D
-Teamviewer Software
b. steps
step # 1 Download and Install Teamviewer Software
Download Teamviewer for laptops Here
then install download an, on Welcome to TeamViewer in How do you want to proceed? select only basic installation. in the How do you want to use TeamViewer? select a Personal/Non-Comercial Use. Click Accept-Finish
Download TeamViewer on Playstore Here and Install it. Initial display as below
step # 2 – connecting Android to Laptop
-After the first step above already succeeded, open the TeamViewer which is already installed on the laptop to find out TeamViewer ID and Password dilaptop you.
-then open the TeamViewer which is already installed on the Smartphone and type the ID number dilaptop then click Remote Control.
-after waiting a few moments waiting for connect, on your Smartphone will be no pop up Authentication -Please enter your partner's password. Type your password and click numbers OK
-and congratulations ... Your Smartphone is already connected to the Laptop. In addition to Computer Remote Control, TeamViewer also features a File Transfer as a Client and a Server.
Thus the Tutorials about ways of Monitoring the computer in Smartphone this time, good luck and may be useful. Please browse the blog URwww.tips-ku.com to get More Tips and tricks.