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the Smartphone has become part of the life of a human life. But a smartphone would not be useful without the battery.
Battery smartphone seems like it's his nature to weaken gradually as time goes by, frequently used battery will experience a decrease in endurance.
But all of that process could slow down PAL by knowing what are the causes of a decline in the quality of the smartphone's battery. At this time, our article will you know you all are some of the factors that cause the battery hp/android/smartphone directly weakened. here's some factor.
1. the excessive Charge of
has Actually now been many Smartphones that already has a feature that automatically closes the process charge the battery when the smartphone is full 100%. But it has not lowered the quality of the battery you smartphone. At the time the charge cable still attached, so it will retain power in the battery to keep it at 100%. That's what causes the battery hp/android/smartphone PAL so weakened.
2. The temperature of the Hot
Temperature also became a major enemy for any smartphone battery. The battery will begin to lose capacity if stored in room temperature of 21 degrees Celsius or more. At temperatures over 21 degrees Celsius, the battery will cause a chemical reaction that releases the power in it gradually so that it will run out slowly over time.
3. Low temperature
of low Temperature also should not be disepelekan. The battery will be damaged if it is particularly vulnerable at temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius. Not just losing power in it, but he could also be damaged very quickly considering the temperature around him that's pretty extreme.
4. Stored too long
Battery which isn't used in quite a long period of time, let alone when it is still plugged in smartphones, its power will be reduced gradually. Average Li-ion battery will shrink 8% every month when stored at room temperature (23 degrees Celsius). The shrinkage will be faster again occurs when the battery is stored at temperatures hotter or above 21 degrees Celsius. The longer the battery is not used, then it will be the faster entrance to phase
deep discharge , where minimal conditions of entering the battery power or under 20%, so that sometimes the HP PAL hard switched on and the battery should be in-charge
manually outside of HP.
5. Crunch
Reply it seems like there have been many who know. Battery life is experience the crunch will have a risk for damaged that is larger than the existing factors above. Don't just clash, doing things that are not uncommon with the intention to change the shape of the battery would be very dangerous, such as ramming it, or membengkokkannya by force. It is highly not recommended.
That's some factor that can degrade the quality of the battery itself, easy to hope this article was helpful to you all.
Thank you ...
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