Tutorial How to Install Windows using Flash -To the way the windows installation by using the Flash we need software named wintoflash. Wintoflash is a software that can be used to move or transfer the installation file into the pendrive windows in order to install the Windows operating system from a usb flash disk media.
Wintoflash is able to transfer the installation file (setup file) Windows ranging from Wind
ows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008 to Windows 7 (seven) to a USB pendrive with a few simple clicks. In addition WinToFlash is also capable of transferring the contents of the Live CD/DVD such as BartPE (Pebuilder) to Flash.
How to penggunakaan:
1. Prepare a blank Flash at least 2-4 GB for the OS installation.
2. Once plugged into your PC/Laptop to do the installation wintoflash.
3. finish installation click the green check mark and select the installation file tranfer mendia from Windows to the Flash. If you still do not have the windows installation file you can download
4. in his statement, Windows files patch is where the installation files of windows and the USB drive is empty your pendrive. Enter by pressing select.
5. after that click next and wait until loading tranfer is complete and you can use your pendrive as penginstall windows.
Well selsesai that's how to use Flash as a means of installation of the OS, and you no longer have the CD to install. Pretty simple and easy to try. If there is a pertannyaan about it please ask below with courtesy and we will discuss it.